- Description
PADI Swim Instructor program designed to teach your customers to swim correctly for pleasure, fitness or competition.
With PADI Swim School, you'll get:
An effective swimming instruction system for all ages (starting at six months) and abilities, in-cluding students with special needs.
A total curriculum based on core competencies that are ideal for any teaching situation.
An innovative curriculum that gets results and satisfies participants. Many exisiting instructors have already crossed-over to PADI Swim Instructor's.
A turnkey program that’s easy to start on its own or integrate with an existing program.
What is included?
Independent elearning
Two and a half days of training (led by PADI Swim Staff}All elearning
PADI Swim Instructor training and certification
PADI Swim a school programs
Effective teaching techniques
Business consultation
Risk management assessment
After PSI certification and teaching opportunitiesPre-requisite
Minimum age: 16
Able to swim
Tread water for 10min
Understanding written/spoken English - Reviews